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If you have received a VeriSkills credential it is a significant achievement. Take credit for your abilities and increase your chances of being noticed by your network and potential employers by displaying your badge over LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

Because digital credentials are issued and verified online, unlike paper certificates, they make it easy for individuals to demonstrate their competencies to employers, education providers and peers online.

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The Institute for Working Futures Pty Ltd and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC™) examined decades of research across multiple institutions to validate the most important capabilities for the future workplace.

The validation project isolated 14 capabilities as the most important 'soft' or non-technical skills and knowledge required in the future workforce. While not devaluing technical knowledge and skills, these human capabilities emphasise an individual’s overall employability and enable identification of high potential individuals with the talent to succeed in the workforce.

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VeriSkills® is owned by Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC ®), a registered educational charity, whose shareholders are seven Queensland universities. QTAC® has over 40 years’ experience verifying skills and experience for university entrance.